Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art (Brazilian martial arts) that is considered a modified version of modern day Judo and Japanese Jujutsu. This martial art employs grappling and ground fighting. This combat sport focuses on competition and gaining dominant positions to force an opponent to submit.

The art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu began with the teachings of the Japanese master Mitsuyo Maeda, who immigrated to Brazil. Maeda taught many different people his techniques, including police officers, military officials, and Carlos Gracie - a student who surpassed many at the practice and theory of the martial art.

Gracie excelled as a student and eventually passed his teachings on to his brother Helio, who later taught his sons. The Gracie family became world renown for their teachings of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu throughout the 20th century. They have performed in Ultimate Fighting Championships and even have their own academy. This family is well documented for bringing wide-spread attention to the martial art.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has been inspired by 20th century Kodokan Judo which was based on various schools. While the two martial arts are very similar, the rules in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are different which has made it its own martial art. Today, there are two well-known methods of teaching Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. They are the Gracie teachings and the Sport Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teachings. Gracie’s instructions specialize in self defense, whereas the sport version is designed for point competition. Point competition is the primary objective of all grappling tournaments.

While each school and instructor will teach a unique style of different techniques, this martial art focuses on self defense, grappling, and mixed martial arts. All teachings are a variation of Mitsuyo Maeda’s teachings that originated in Japan.