
Aikido is a pure physical art form and a Japanese martial art. Most of the throws and joint locks that are performed in Aikido are derivatives of Jujitsu and Kenjutsu. Aikido is a martial art that has been described as a spiritual journey, a self-defense technique, and an exercise for physical health and overall well-being.

Aikido was founded in the early 1900's by O-Sensei (Translated to "Great Teacher") Morihei Ueshiba of Japan. The physical art form was not given its formal name until 1942, when Ueshiba, a devout Buddhist, perfected the techniques by adding a religious philosophy. Ueshiba once wrote: "The secret of Aikido is to harmonize with the movement of the universe and bring ourselves into accord with the universe itself."

When Aikido was first beginning to develop, there were three different pre-war teachings of Aikido, which are now referred to as the "old school aikido styles." These teachings included: Aiki-Budo, Yoseikan, and Yoshinkan, which is still taught to many Japanese police officers. Although this martial art originated as a non-aggressive physical art form, it has developed into a self-defense technique that incorporates spirituality. It is known universally as an art of peace. Anyone who practices this physical art form refers to themselves as an “aikidoka.”

Training for Aikido is usually performed with a partner where one of the aikdoka blends with the motion of the opponent and redirects the force of his attack. Increased energy, elasticity, and muscle development will occur as a result of training, but the practices themselves do not rely on strength for effectiveness. Some dojos (schools) do not use weapons during training at all, while others provide training with swords. Weapon-retention and weapon-taking are both techniques that are sometimes taught to students.